My new animation is out for everyone to view and surprisingly it got a big reception despite its relatively low rating. I have no idea how good it is yet until I get more comments, but I don't really consider this animation as my best one; but then again, I never really ever praise my own work haha. A cool fun fact for those of you who are interested is that the characters are based closely on the appearances of both myself and my friend Greg. So internet stalkers of mine now have a loose impression of my appearance based on my animated body... oh crap.
So what's next? Well this next animation I'm planning is going to be a good one. I'm rather excited about this one. You see, my recent animation was loosely based on an sms conversation I had with Greg plus some other snippets of phrases that I made during the courses of other conversations. This next animation is based on something epic I came up with one day that caused me to laugh my head off for hours. When the planets align and I come up with something this epic, an animation must be made about it. What is it about? Fecal matter, that's all I'm saying...
Oh, and check out my youtube page for other, non-animation videos: